Czech Telecom is holding Internet development hostage by Geoffrey S. Goodfellow Prague Business Journal June 26, 2000 - page 16 Congratulations to Bessel Kok at Czech Telecom for delaying the de-monopolization of the telephone company. You have eminently succeeded in postponing the prosperity this country would derive from the increased use of the Internet today in the emerging New Economy, where value is based on knowledge and practical experience. For the sole benefit of your own continuing monopoly status revenues, the growth, and one could also arguably posit the country's greater economic well-being, has been stymied and sacrificed. The "cost" of your success is that the innately curious and technology-hungry Czechs are further delayed from affordable Internet access during the weekday light hours and will continue to remain in the dark to the Internet's advantages. Instead, if the de-monopolization of Telecom were to be accelerated or the existing Internet 2000 acceptable late night and weekend prices were to be in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, many entrepreneurial activities would be germinated that could plant the seeds for thousands of potential flowers to bloom. The result of an accelerated Internet blossoming would be an astute, present day knowledgeable and practically experienced citizenry poised for full participation in the New Economy. Additionally, overall government revenues would be increased in the form of the taxes paid by the SROs that would be formed and the secondary effects on the people who would be employed doing everything from selling more paper clips to building more new office buildings. Through Bessel Kok's direction, Telesource has placed a higher priority on funding Cesky Telecoms new yellow colors and on retaining its monopoly status. Instead, these efforts and resources should be redirected at speeding the demonopolization and for leveling the playing field in a fully competitive environment. An interim short-term solution would be to make the Internet 2000 late night and weekend tariff be in effect 24/7. This one simple and easily implemented move would provide for the immediate and tangible benefit of bringing an acceptable price of Internet access all the time to everyone, from the precocious teen-ager in Prague to the coal miner in Ostrava who wants the opportunity to reinvent himself and participate in the New Economy. As a private investor I readily acknowledge and respect that a company does indeed need to earn a profit to stay in business and in good stead with its shareholders. However, it is a sad day for me when I see that short-sighted greed prevails over the basic common sense of providing the greatest good for the greatest number: the customers and the citizens of this fine country. Geoffrey S. Goodfellow founded RadioMail Corporation and is a private investor and DJ who lives in Prague.